 | The first step to early intervention is knowledge. |
We no longer offer canine detection for families, but have a lot of resources to refer to if you feel there is a problem in your home or with yourself or someone you know. Please don't wait if you have concerns.
Teaching Kids about drugs and alcohol.
 | ONLINE RESOURCES - Early Intervention |
 | Additional Notable Publications and Resources: |
 | Resources for Teens & Parents |
Check Yourself
A resource for teens to ask questions about drug and alcohol abuse, find answers, get help and share personal stories. Created by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, Freevibe.com is a youth-oriented drug prevention web site providing drug facts and information to help young people understand the consequences of drug use.
NIDA for Teens
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Heath (NIH), created this Web site to educate adolescents ages 11 through 15 (as well as their parents and teachers) on the science behind drug abuse.
Created by the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign,TheAntiDrug.com aims to equip parents and other adult caregivers with the tools they need to raise drug-free kids. TheAntiDrug.com serves as a drug prevention information center and a supportive community for parents to interact and learn from each other.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers the latest national data on alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drug abuse; drug related emergency department episodes and medical examiner cases; and the nation's substance abuse treatment system.
 | Teens, Drugs & Early Intervention |
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